資料來源:Movement Disorders. 2004;19(9):1020-1028.
第0期:無疾病跡象 No signs of disease
第1期:單側發病 Unilateral disease
第1.5期:單側加軸向症狀 Unilateral plus axial involvement
第2期:雙側發病,未發生平衡受損 Bilateral disease, without impairment of balance
第2.5期:輕度雙側發病,拉動測試時會自行恢復 Mild bilateral disease with recovery on pull test
第3期:輕度至中度雙側發病,一些姿勢不穩定,身體可不依靠他人而獨立行動 Mild to moderate bilateral disease; some postural instability; physically independent
第4期:嚴重失能,無協助下仍可走路或站立 Severe disability; still able to walk or stand unassisted
第5期:除非有輔助,否則需要坐輪椅或臥床 Wheelchair bound or bedridden unless aided